Calum Muir Award

The North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) have awarded Roberto Zanetti, President of the Fondo Elena Moroni and past President of the International Association of Cancer Registries, with the prestigious Calum Muir Award. At a special ceremony at their Annual Conference in New Orleans on 22 June 2023, the award was presented by the current President of NAACCR, and Data Quality Control Director at Cancer Registry of Greater California, Dr Winny Roshala.


Dr Zanetti, who greeted the audience and thanked the NAACCR Board with a video presented during the ceremony, received this award ‘in recognition of his long and distinguished career in cancer surveillance, contributions to the advancement of cancer epidemiology and cancer control, and his outstanding mentorship, vision, and leadership in the field’.


Furthermore, the Calum Muir Award was brought and officially presented by Dr. Betsy Kohler at the ENCR-IACR Conference held in Granada the 14-15 November, 2023.


Zanetti in video at the award ceremony (Picture courtesy of Prof. Claudia Allemani)

The Plaque of the Calum Muir Award

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